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About Us

St.Clare Province , Imphal, Manipur


3rd January 1966 was a memorable day for the Province of Pala on which eight sisters began their Journey towards an unknown landof Manipur for their missionary task.

Janury 10, 1966 was a milestone in the history of FCC, Pala Province. It expanded the mission work beyond the boundaries of Kerala and made an entry in to the North East India .Eight of our pioneers landed at Sugnu, Manipur and began their task of direct evangelization of the tribal people of the area, teaching catechism, spread of literacy, promotion of health, proclaiming the good news to the poor, taking care of the orphans and aged etc.

On 4th March 1991 this mission was declared as a Region and Rev. Sr. Aloshia was elected as the first Regional Superior. In 1989 when the Pala Province was divided in to two, Manipur mission was handed over to Bharananganam Province. On 15th January 1998, in the presence of Rev. Sr. Therese Keechery, the then Provincial of Bharananganam, St. Clare Region was raised to a Province and Rev. Sr. Aloshia was elected as the first Provincial Superior. At present it has 151 members,32 houses and 64 local sisters.

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